Learn how to choose your next address.

Proximity to schools and shops and services, quiet or more dynamic neighborhood, with good access: there are so many important points to analyze to choose a good location and have guaranteed success with your real estate project. Here's our advice for betting on the right address.

The golden rule of real estate boils down to three words: location, location, location. Becoming caricatured of so much being repeated, the expression is nevertheless full of truth. Choosing a good address is and always will be one of the key keys of the successful real estate project. It is no accident that most real estate listings insist on this point.

Think first of yourself. What's a good address for you? It is above all a place that pleases you, and for which you feel affinities. It is also a place where you and your family feel that you and you can flourish together in a pleasant environment. Also do not forget the practical aspect that this can bring you into your life. Being close to everything you need to live comfortably is essential.

The tranquility of the neighborhood, the accesses, and the proximity of the shops and services are also part of the criteria that influence the quality of the place.

Set the right goals. Choosing your next address should be designed from the perspective of resale, a crucial point that should never be forgotten. Your new home should be able to find buyer easily and at a good price if you decide to resell one day. The idea is to ensure a return on invested capital or even obtain if possible an added value in resale.

Keep it from having a quality location, your apartment or villa will hold out better in the event of a downturn in the real estate market.

Identify your criteria well. To make good decisions, make a list of your wishes, but also your needs (yours and those of your family), in order of priorities. Think about the route you should take every day to get to work. Take into account your hobbies or simply your schedules.

If, for example, you have to leave the office late, having a supermarket in the vicinity of your home with extended hours can be very handy.

Housing: the keys to a good location

Analyze the neighborhood. Evaluate the environment of your new address. Tranquility, green spaces, and level of security should be studied closely. On this last point, you can go, if you want, to the police station of the area or the GNR station of the locality to find out about the safety of the place.

Tip: visit the neighborhood several times and at different times of the day and week, to feel its environment and detect its qualities... as well as, of course, its flaws. Taking this care is even more important if you buy a new house on the plants.

Make sure the neighbourhood is well served for transport. The proximity of the metro, the tram, a railway station, and quick access to the road network, including motorways are true attributes.

However, beware! In some cases, the quality of these services may also cause certain problems. For example, the case of a property too close to a station with large flows: this being too close, may suffer from some sound nuisances generated by said station.

Remember: tranquility is one of the criteria that classifies a particular location as good or not.

Location and credit: what you need to know

The issue of accessibility and transport can influence your monthly budget. If you have to go a long way to work, you will need at least one or two cars. The expenses they induct will certainly affect your effort rate (i.e. the sum left over after paying the monthly installment of the credit). Some banks are very sensitive to this issue, which can make it difficult to obtain their loan, especially if their financing plan is already on the threshold of sustainable.

Don't forget the kids. If you have one, you will certainly choose a housing very close to the schools, both primary and secondary schools. But also, the better the reputation of the school, the higher the price of housing around it.

Don't forget to take a look at the routes students have to take to get to school and check their level of safety.

The importance of the real estate market

Keep an eye on sales. Pay attention to the real estate dynamics of the neighborhoods you covet. The increase in prices and a number of transactions in full growth show a strong dynamism, but also and especially an important demand. This, in turn, guarantees the appreciation of the property and facilitates its resale (remember that it is important to always take this factor into account).

Know how to detect "bargains". Some developing areas may become attractive by the expectation of their future valuation. Restructured neighborhoods, new housing to be built, new infrastructure stifing...

In the short term, the inhabitants of the "affected" area live in a not necessarily pleasant environment, with a lot of dust and noise in the mix. In the medium term, the surrounding properties see their prices rising, which gives hope of capital gains in resale.

Tip: Go to the City Council to find out about the urban planning projects, and restructuring of the neighborhood in question, and will thus have an idea of what you are investing.

Grab the opportunities. Your means are not extensible and you can not buy in the zone you covet? Then explore the immediate surroundings and also the surrounding towns.

In real estate terms, many of them are considered "transfer markets". Certainly, they are further away from the place where you would like to live, but they can offer such a pleasant atmosphere and especially much softer prices.

In the meantime, don't overlook any possibility so you don't miss out on good opportunities.